Decoding Obama's Comments On War In Afghanistan: What Did He Really Mean? -- Christian Science Monitor
Obama’s citing of ‘fragile but reversible progress’ in his review of the war in Afghanistan is a signal to all the parties involved, including Americans, that the US withdrawal may go slowly.
A year after announcing 30,000 additional troops for the US-led fight in Afghanistan, President Obama offered a mixed picture of “fragile” progress and of more difficult days ahead in his annual review of the war.
Yet compared with a year ago – when Mr. Obama set the stage for the beginning of a troop withdrawal in summer 2011 – the president’s message on Thursday was more focused on the conditions that will determine the pace of a drawdown over the next four years.
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My Comment: What is my take .... my gut tells me that President Obama wants to be out of Afghanistan ASAP. But to set the conditions for eventual withdrawal, he must give the image and perception that forward progress is happening in Afghanistan, and with this progress on the ground U.S. forces can (and will) eventually withdraw leaving the fate of the country to the Afghans themselves.
Interestingly, the Soviet Union did the same thing in 1988. They had their surge that forced the Mujaheddin to retreat to their sanctuaries in Pakistan. Declaring victory, Soviet forces then withdrew from the country leaving their allies in Kabul to handle the insurgency. Not surprisingly .... such a government did not last long.
Are we repeating history .... like I said before, my gut tells me yes.