Military Leaders Know Obama’s Decision Is A Disaster -- Robert Kagan, Washington Post
The press is reporting that the top military leaders have “endorsed” President Obama’s Afghan troop withdrawal decision. With all due respect to the fine reporters, that is not the news. Under our Constitution, military leaders have no choice but to endorse the president’s decision after giving him their best advice. They could resign, of course, but to have the entire senior military leadership resign over a president’s decision contrary to their advice would be a disaster, and not least for the troops on the ground.
Make no mistake, however. The entire military leadership believes the president’s decision is a mistake, and especially the decision to withdraw the remainder of the surge forces by September 2012. They will soldier on and do their best, but as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, put it, in characteristic understatement, they believe the decision will increase the risk to the troops and increase the chance that the mission will not succeed.
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My Comment: I hope that the American generals are wrong, and President Obama is right. But for one retired general in Britain .... he has doubts.
What is my prediction .... Afghanistan will muddle on, and when U.S./NATO forces finally leave .... they will revert back to their old habits of warlords, religious extremism, and tribal conflicts. Will this be a disaster for us .... no .... but for the Afghans .... yes.