Is Al Qaeda Losing? -- A Commentary

'Self-Inflicted Wounds' Points To Al Qaeda's Defeat -- James Jay Carafano, Washington Examiner

Brooklyn native Vinny Viola seldom strayed from the Big Apple until he left for West Point. After soldiering with the 101st Airborne, he returned home, graduated law school and went to work at the New York Merchantile Exchange.

In 2001, he became Nymex chairman. His resolute leadership following the 9/11 attacks helped the exchange recover from the turmoil.

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My Comment: Eventually .... radical Islam and Al Qaeda's intolerant message will be swept away by most Muslims who have no interest in following the strict adherents of the Muslim faith. Ipods and computers, the internet, international travel, making money and providing for a better life .... this is the future of Al Qaeda's possible recruits, and with time .... drip by drip .... these recruits for Al Qaeda will be less and less.

Unfortunately .... in the interim .... expect a continuation in the war against terror, serious and deadly terrorist strikes, carnage and death, followed by more conflict and war.

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