Report: Al Qaeda's Days are Numbered -- USA Today
National Intelligence Council: 'By 2030, we believe the Islamic terrorism cycle will have exhausted itself'.
Al Qaeda and similar terrorist groups are in the waning years of their effectiveness and will likely fizzle out of relevance in the coming decades, according to a new intelligence report.
Historically, terrorist organizations have a lifespan that only extends for 20 to 40 years, according to the National Intelligence Council, referencing its new report that studies likely shifts in global security and politics by 2030. Those who had turned to terrorist groups for answers generally realize during this timeframe solutions don't exist through violent extremism.
"By 2030, we believe the Islamic terrorism cycle will have exhausted itself," NIC's Mathew Burrows told reporters on Monday, speaking about the newly released "Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds"
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Update: U.S. Intelligence Report Says Islamist Terrorism ‘Could End by 2030’ -- CNS
My Comment: Radical islam has been at war with itself or with it's neighbors for the past 1,300 years .... I definitely do not see this changing in the next 17 years.