How The Afghanistan War Became Tangled In India Vs. Pakistan Rivalry -- Ben Arnoldy, Christian Science Monitor
India-Pakistan tensions muddy US efforts in Afghanistan, where Pakistan's cooperation is needed. One key issue: Islamabad is wary of India's broadening regional role.
The resolution of the US war in Afghanistan is getting tangled up in one of the world's most stubborn rivalries: India versus Pakistan.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Do we have to wait 30 years for human rights in China? -- Fred Hiatt, Washington Post
Pushing China, quietly -- L.A. Times editorial
Why China Does Capitalism Better than the U.S. -- Tony Karon, Time Magazine
China deserves caution, not trust -- Peter Worthington, National Post
Obama and Mideast peace: Time ripe to push again for breakthrough? -- Howard Lafranchi, Christian Science Monitor
Where A New Sudanese Civil War Could Begin -- Rebecca Hamilton, Foreign Affairs
The Fall of Beirut -- Michael J. Totten, Commentary Magazine
What might Hezbollah face once the trial begins? -- William Harris, The Daily Star
Libyans are just as hungry as Tunisians -- Hisham Matar, The Guardian
Why Aristide Shouldn't Be Allowed Into Haiti -- Tim Padgett, Time Magazine
Russia's Own WikiLeaks Takes Off -- Olga Razumovskaya, Moscow Times
Kim Jong Il's Missiles: As Obama dithers, North Korea is only getting more dangerous. It's time to cut a deal. -- Joel Wit, Foreign Policy
Gas fields in contested seas -- Robbie Sabel, Jerusalem Post