Yesterday, stocks continued to slide. The 10-year note yield fell to exactly 3%. Oil traded at $99. And gold rose another $4.
Has the post-crisis bounce finally exhausted itself? It’s beginning to look like it. But you wouldn’t be surprised if this turned out be just another feint to the downside, would you? We’ve seen several. We expected the end of the bounce last summer. Instead, the rally has held up for a full year longer than we expected.
Is it ready to roll over now? Let’ wait and see…
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Cut Pakistan Loose -- Nitin Pai, Wall Street Journal
Occupying Iraq, State Department-style -- Peter Van Buren, CBS News
Progress in Afghanistan called hard but not ‘hopeless’ -- William Branigin, Washington Post
A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast -- Ray Takeyh, New York Times
Corruption Grows in Russia -- Paul J. Saunders, National Interest
American Mosques: Jihad's Incubators -- Frank Gaffney, Jr., Center For Security Policy
A Cure for the Resource Curse -- George Soros, Moscow Times
Energy statistics: The world gets back to burning -- Schumpeter, The Economist
Europe's Bad Bank -- Mats Persson, Wall Street Journal
The Earth Is Full -- Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times
Obama and the End of Western Civilization -- Steve McCann, American Thinker
Democracy still rules. But will US catch up in a changing world? -- Francis Fukuyama, Christian Science Monitor