Plurality Ready For “Significant” Military Cuts -- Hot Air
Rasmussen continues to show a trend among American voters in terms of where we can save money and increasing numbers appear ready to put military spending on the table without worrying that it puts the nation at risk. The questions leave some wiggle room, as we’ll see below, but the break out indicates a familiar pattern which ties in with Ed Morrissey’s coverage of the Coburn plan earlier today.
Nearly one-half of Americans now think the United States can make major cuts in defense spending without putting the country in danger. They believe even more strongly that there’s no risk in cutting way back on what America spends to defend other countries.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Adults feel it is possible to significantly reduce military spending without putting the American people at risk. Thirty-seven percent (37%) disagree and do not believe major defense cuts come without risk. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure.
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My Comment: The answer to the above question is probably yes. Budget deficits, uncontrollable spending, the Iraq war winding down, Afghanistan (maybe) winding down, Bin laden is dead .... the altitude among many (including myself) is that some cuts are probably justified. Unfortunately .... I suspect that many of these cuts will probably be done with little thought and analysis, and all done to show that the government is serious about putting its financial house in order.