Making Tyrants Do Time -- Kathryn Sikkink, New York Times
TIME is running out for former government officials accused of murder, genocide and crimes against humanity. In the past few months, the final Serbian war-crimes fugitives were extradited to The Hague, the trial of the former Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, began in Cairo, and the International Criminal Court opened hearings on the post-election violence that plagued Kenya in 2007-8.
These events have provoked a chorus of trial skeptics, who contend that the threat of prosecution undermines democracy, exacerbates conflict and could lead to greater human rights violations.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Whatever happens, a strong Libyan government is unlikely -- Patrick Cockburn, The Independent
Libya's Revolution Produces a New Hybrid: Pro-Western Islamists -- Abigail Hauslohner, Time
The right call on the Syrian threat -- Elliott Abrams, Eliot Cohen, Eric Edelman and John Hannah, Washington Post
As Palestinians Push for Statehood, Israel Finds Itself Isolated -- Karl Vick, Time
U.N. showdown over Palestinian statehood tests limits of U.S. influence -- Joby Warrick and Scott Wilson, Washington Post
Why Palestinian statehood is a question for the U.N. -- Shibley Telhami and Joshua S. Goldstein, Washington Post
Don't Count Iran's Ahmadinejad Out Yet -- Jamsheed K. Choksy, WPR
Turkey and the Arab world: Reflections from the region -- BBC
Somalia needs much more aid than it’s getting -- Washington Post editorial
America and oil. Declining together? -- Michael Klare, Le Monde Diplomatique
Is Washington out of gas? -- Michael T. Klare, CBS News
Europe is turning back to national identity – and it's exhilarating -- Simon Jenkins, The Guardian
U.N. showdown over Palestinian statehood tests limits of U.S. influence -- Joby Warrick and Scott Wilson, Washington Post
Why Palestinian statehood is a question for the U.N. -- Shibley Telhami and Joshua S. Goldstein, Washington Post
Don't Count Iran's Ahmadinejad Out Yet -- Jamsheed K. Choksy, WPR
Turkey and the Arab world: Reflections from the region -- BBC
Somalia needs much more aid than it’s getting -- Washington Post editorial
America and oil. Declining together? -- Michael Klare, Le Monde Diplomatique
Is Washington out of gas? -- Michael T. Klare, CBS News
Europe is turning back to national identity – and it's exhilarating -- Simon Jenkins, The Guardian
In Europe, the impossible may become the inevitable -- Anatole Kaletsky, Wall Street Journal
Euro crisis: the bond that unites Europe is at breaking point -- Michael Burleigh, The Telegraph
Europe: Stand or Fall Together -- New York Times editorial