A Tyrant Falls, But I Fear What Will Come Next -- Max Hastings, Daily Mail
A world without Gaddafi must be a fractionally better place. He was a bloody tyrant who not merely oppressed Libya’s six million people, but used the country’s oil wealth — royalties of £23 billion last year — to promote terrorism and foment mischief abroad.
The Western powers have hailed his death as a landmark in the revolutionary struggle which they have supported in Libya. David Cameron took the lead in promoting regime change; now he has got it, though yesterday he wisely avoided any hint of triumphalism.
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Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis On The Fall Of Gaddafi
With the death of Mad Dog Gaddafi, other dictators will sleep less easily tonight -- Niles Gardiner, The Telegraph
You can't blame Gaddafi for thinking he was one of the good guys -- Robert Fisk, The Independent
Gaddafi’s demise -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, 1942-2011: An Erratic Leader, Brutal and Defiant to the End -- Neil Macfarquhar, New York Times
Mogadishu on the Mediterranean? Muammar al-Qaddafi is dead. Now comes the hard part. -- Christian Caryl, Foreign Policy
In Tripoli, Blaring Horns and Shouts of Joy -- Omar Abulqasim Alkikli, New York Times
How Qaddafi killing affirms Arab Spring principles -- Christian Science MonitorMoammar Gadhafi meets a tyrant's end -- McClathcy News editorial
Justice for Libya, and Pan Am victims -- Brian Flynn, CNN
With Gadhafi's death, a tough road to democracy -- Detroit Free Press editorial
Positive Outcome Not Guaranteed in Libya -- Max Boot, Commentary
With Gadhafi's death, Libyans face an unknown rebirth -- Doug Saunders, Globe and Mail
The colonel is caught. The demise of Muammar Qaddafi will give new life to the Arab revolution. -- The Economist
With Gaddafi gone, who will run the new Libya? -- Peter Oborne, The Telegraph
What Will Qaddafi’s Death Teach Our Enemies? -- Mark Steyn, NRO
Gadhafi: Who'll Replace The Devil We Knew? -- IBD Editorial
Libya needs true people power -- Khaled Diab, The Guardian
Gadhafi's Death: The End of a Tyrant -- Yassin Musharbash, Spiegel Online
Analysis: After Gaddafi, Reconciliation or Reprisal? -- New York Times/Reuters
Analysis-Libya's Next Tests: Big Expectations, Power Plays -- New York Times/Reuters
Gaddafi's Death Starts a Perilous Race for Power in Libya -- Tony Karon, Time
Libya: Now the Hard Part Starts -- Richard N. Haass, Council on Foreign Relations
If Gaddafi is dead, that solves the problem of the trial – but we may never learn the truth about
Lockerbie and other crimes -- Daniel Knowles, The Telegraph
How Qaddifi killing affirms Arab Spring principles -- Christian Science Monitor editorial
Gadhafi's death: Vindication for Obama? -- The Week
Gaddafi killed: A new kind of US foreign policy success -- Mark Mardell, BBC
What Gaddafi’s Death Teaches the Middle East…And Should Teach the West -- Barry Rubin, Pajamas Media