(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Graphic: Cyprus debts and financing needs. Der Spiegel
Lessons From Cyprus: Euro Crisis Poses Grave Dangers To EU Unity -- Spiegel Online
Cyprus has been saved. But the euro zone may ultimately be the biggest loser. The tough negotiations clearly demonstrated that Europe's north and south no longer understand each other -- and the political differences could soon become more dangerous than the currency crisis. By SPIEGEL Staff
It has been only four weeks since German Chancellor Angela Merkel had nothing but nice things to say about her "very esteemed" counterpart in Cyprus. In a telegram to newly elected President Nicos Anastasiades, she "warmly" congratulated him on his election victory and wrote that she looked forward to their "close and trusting cooperation."
That was then, as Merkel conceded last Friday in a speech to the parliamentary group of her center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) at the Reichstag in Berlin. Although her intent was not to set an example, she said, Germany also would not "give in." She added that there would be "no special treatment" for Cyprus. And over the weekend, she lived up to her word.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Insight: Money fled Cyprus as president fumbled bailout -- Annika Breidthardt, Luke Baker and Michele Kambas, Reuters
The End of the Cypriot Banking Sector -- Carsten Volkery, Spiegel Online
Euro Bailouts: Savers Be Warned - Your Money's Not Safe -- Spiegel Online
Iraq: The consequences of bugging out -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
The Pathetic Conclusion of the American Mission in Iraq -- Max Boot, Commentary
Turks Illustrate Limits of Obama’s Magic -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Behind Turkish-Israeli reconciliation, concerns about Syria -- Christa Case Bryant and Scott Peterson, Christian Science Monitor
Is It Too Late to Save Syria? -- Seth Mandel, Commentary
Solution to Syrian conflict must come from the air -- Faisal Al Yafai, The National
China's Xi's Kissinger Move -- Julian Lindley–French, Atlantic Council
The “Fracking” Revolution Comes to China -- Elliot Brennan, The Diplomat
India’s ‘Rotten Diplomacy’ in Sri Lanka Breeds Loathing -- Samanth Subramanian, New York Times
In Russia, no love lost over late 'evil genius' Boris Berezovsky -- Fred Weir, Christian Science Monitor
For Blacks in Cuba, the Revolution Hasn’t Begun -- ROBERTO ZURBANO, New York Times
The CIA’s interrogation program deserves a public airing -- Reuel Marc Gerecht, Washington Post