Yes, Cyprus Is Different -- Marc Champion, Bloomberg
One lesson from the Cyprus bailout debacle is that it really is different. Not so much because its economic case is unique, but because Cyprus’s fellow European Union members see it as an outlier.
This is the EU’s third smallest nation with only 1.1 million people. It joined as recently as 2004, with the help of a little blackmail from its patron Greece, which threatened to block the extension of the bloc to Poland and other ex-Soviet countries unless Cyprus got in too.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Cyprus: nest eggs and broken baskets -- The Guardian editorial
A look at Cyprus' move to seize bank deposits -- Sarah Dilorenzo, AP
Cyprus and the Death of Deposit Insurance -- Robert Tracinski, Real Clear Politics
It's Highly Unlikely The 2 Alleged Chemical Attacks In Syria Came From Rebels -- Michael Kelley, Business Insider
Does Obama have a plan for Syria? -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Mideast seeks a new commitment from Obama -- Michael Singh, Washington Post
Obama’s foreign policy and the risks of retreat -- Michael Gerson, Washington Post
US Backs Away from Strong Role in Middle East -- Spiegel Online
South Koreans worry about how to confront North Korea’s nuclear threat -- Tom Lasseter, McClatchy Newspapers
Falling Out of Love With China -- David Shambaugh, New York Times
Does China Have a Foreign Policy? -- Zheng Wang, New York Times
Cyprus and the Death of Deposit Insurance -- Robert Tracinski, Real Clear Politics
It's Highly Unlikely The 2 Alleged Chemical Attacks In Syria Came From Rebels -- Michael Kelley, Business Insider
Does Obama have a plan for Syria? -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Mideast seeks a new commitment from Obama -- Michael Singh, Washington Post
Obama’s foreign policy and the risks of retreat -- Michael Gerson, Washington Post
US Backs Away from Strong Role in Middle East -- Spiegel Online
South Koreans worry about how to confront North Korea’s nuclear threat -- Tom Lasseter, McClatchy Newspapers
Falling Out of Love With China -- David Shambaugh, New York Times
Does China Have a Foreign Policy? -- Zheng Wang, New York Times
Mideast seeks a new commitment from Obama -- Michael Singh, Washington Post
Obama’s foreign policy and the risks of retreat -- Michael Gerson, Washington Post
US Backs Away from Strong Role in Middle East -- Spiegel Online
South Koreans worry about how to confront North Korea’s nuclear threat -- Tom Lasseter, McClatchy Newspapers
Falling Out of Love With China -- David Shambaugh, New York Times
Does China Have a Foreign Policy? -- Zheng Wang, New York Times
1771–2013: The Era of the Free Press in Britain -- John O’Sullivan, NRO
The EU Crosses the Rubicon; How Far Behind Is the US? -- Ed Driscoll, PJ Media
The last time a papal intervention worked in South America -- John Hudson, Passport/Foreign Policy
Crumbling BRICS -- Jaswant Singh, Project Syndicate
Obama’s foreign policy and the risks of retreat -- Michael Gerson, Washington Post
US Backs Away from Strong Role in Middle East -- Spiegel Online
South Koreans worry about how to confront North Korea’s nuclear threat -- Tom Lasseter, McClatchy Newspapers
Falling Out of Love With China -- David Shambaugh, New York Times
Does China Have a Foreign Policy? -- Zheng Wang, New York Times
1771–2013: The Era of the Free Press in Britain -- John O’Sullivan, NRO
The EU Crosses the Rubicon; How Far Behind Is the US? -- Ed Driscoll, PJ Media
The last time a papal intervention worked in South America -- John Hudson, Passport/Foreign Policy
Crumbling BRICS -- Jaswant Singh, Project Syndicate