Is Assad Scared Of A War Crimes Trial? Assault On Homs Suggests Not. -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
Diplomats critical of Syria are using terms such as 'crimes against humanity' and 'war criminal.' But the Homs assault suggests Assad sees defeating the rebels as more vital for his survival.
Bashar al-Assad’s pull-out-the-stops assault on civilians holed up in the city of Homs Thursday offers an answer to questions about how much the Syrian leader fears international threats to charge him with crimes against humanity: apparently not much.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Syria: Be Careful What You Wish For -- Ted Galen Carpenter, The National Interest
Syria’s crisis: Into the meat-grinder -- The Economist
Two different versions of the North Korea deal -- Isaac Stone Fish, Foreign Policy
Why the North Korea nuclear moratorium means next to nothing -- Christian Whiton, FOX News
Talking to North Korea, Again -- new York Times editorial
Israel’s Last Chance to Strike Iran -- Amos Yadlin, New York Times
Fantasy and reality in Afghanistan -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post
The Limitations of Apologizing to Karzai -- John Hudson, The Atlantic
Yemen’s peaceful transition -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
In China's parliament, a long list of millionaires -- Ananth Krishnan, The Hindu
South African ruling party expels Malema, but what's next? -- Scott Baldauf and Savious Kwinika, Christian Science Monitor
Sudan: Oil Risks, Juba And Khartoum Gamble With The Future -- Eurasia Review
Will Putin Victory Affect US-Russia Relations? -- Andre de Nesnera, Voice of America
What will Cameron and Merkel do if Sarkozy loses? -- Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy
Germany's approach to crisis lost in translation -- Derek Scally, Irish Times
Nice Oil Imports You've Got There. Shame if You Lost Them.Why Americans need to be more grateful to Canada. -- Vaclav Smil, Foreign Policy
Victory, and defeat, in the war on drugs -- William C. Rempel, L.A. Times