Erkuries Beatty, Lieutenant, 4th PA, "The Genl. beat this morning 8 oClock could get no waggons to carry our baggage therefore had to break up our Chests & Carry our baggage on Pack horses The Army did not march till 3 oClock in the Afternoon when the set of for Eastown the Army was very much Detained on Account of getting on the Ammunition Waggons and some of the General & Field pfficers had to Carry their baggage as the horses was very weak and the road Exceeding bad up a very long hill good many waggons left behind and the baggage taken out and Put on Pack horses, a little after Dark got on the top of the hill about 4 Mile from Wyoming where we Encamped on very stony ground and the Army very much Scattered" [More]
Monday, October 10, 2011