First Real Threats To Assad Strategy Emerge In Syria -- Walter Russell Mead, American Interest
As Via Meadia observes the slow burning resistance to the bloody regime of Butcher Assad in Syria, we’ve been bearish on his character and bullish on his strategy. We think it’s a bad regime that deserves to fall, but that the forces trying to overturn it don’t have the ability to achieve their goals. The internal opposition doesn’t have the strength to push him out, and he has the ability to crush his internal opponents without levels of violence or instability so severe that the outside world intervenes.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Why Syria’s Kurds Will Determine the Fate of the Revolution -- Michael Weiss, The New Republic
Why did the Arab League tyrants’ club finally turn on Syria? -- Shashank Joshi, the Telegraph
The New Rules: How to Stop Worrying and Live with the Iranian Bomb -- Thomas P.M. Barnett, World Politics Review
Did U.S. Bring Democracy? Iraqis Have Doubts -- Waleed Ibrahim, Reuters
Egypt's elections -- New York Times editorial
America Must Commit to Both the Far East and Middle East -- Max Boot, Commentary
Myanmar and Washington’s new strategic choice in Southeast Asia -- Zaw Htay, Washington Post
Will Anyone Rescue Europe from Crisis? -- Robert Samuelson, Real Clear Markets
Welcome to Venezuela -- The Kidnap Capital of Latin America -- Joel Hirst, FOX News
Mexico Sours on Drug War -- Ted Galen Carpenter, National Interest
Who’s the Decider? -- Thomas Friedman, New York Times
Thinking outside the Cold War nuclear box -- Walter Pincus, Washington Post
The New Wealth Of Nations: Stockpiles Of Strategic Metals -- Daniel McGroarty, IBD Editorials
'It's going to happen again' - Financial meltdown committee head -- Rick Moran, American Thinker