Egypt’s Headless Revolution -- Omar Ashour, Project Syndicate
CAIRO – “The man who taught me to sacrifice my heart for Egypt is dead,” said Vivian Magdi, mourning her fiancé. Michael Mosad was killed in the Maspiro area on October 9, when an armored vehicle hit him during a protest called to condemn an attack on an Egyptian Church in the southern Aswan region. The protest left 24 dead and more than 200 injured – a higher toll than that taken by the so-called “Battle of the Camels,” when former President Hosni Mubarak’s security forces and armed thugs attacked pro-democracy protestors in Tahrir Square at the height of the revolution.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
As the Egyptian military takes off its mask -- Cesar Chelala, Japan Times
For Egyptians, a New Foe and a New Revolution -- Thanassis Cambanis, The Atlantic
Egyptians turn on the army: the heroes have turned villains -- Adrian Blomfield, The Telegraph
Egypt’s revolution is beginning to turn sour -- The Telegraph editorial
Importance Of Afghanistan-US Strategic Partnership – Analysis -- Emil Asadulla, Eurasia Review
Afghanistan 'loya jirga' endorses lingering US presence, but in what form? -- Tom Peter, Christian Science Monitor
Afghanistan: what happens when we leave? -- Thomas Harding, The Telegraph
Spotting Nuclear Weapons Scientists -- Sharon K. Weiner, The Diplomat
Israel’s effort to muffle speech -- Washington Post editorial
Long-awaited justice for victims of the Khmer Rouge -- Michael Abramowitz and and Mark Sarna, Washington Post
How China Can Defeat America -- Yan Xuetong, New York Times
It might not be an Asian century after all -- Spengler, Asia Times
What really went wrong in Greece? -- Evan Liaras and Harris Mylonas, CNN
Four Things You Need to Know about Venezuela -- Jaime Daremblum, PJ Media
Congress overreaches on terrorism -- Washington Post editorial