Averting Syria’s Coming Civil War -- Patrick Seale, The Diplomat
Syria is on the edge of a bloody civil war. With the U.S. discredited in the region, the BRIC nations may offer the best diplomatic chance for averting more bloodshed.
Syria is heading for a bloody, sectarian civil war. The mutual kidnappings, torture, beheadings and displacement of populations taking place between the Sunni and Alawi communities in the central city of Homs – often described as “the capital of the revolution” – send a fearsome signal of what might be in store for the rest of the country.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Of riots and rights in Egypt and beyond -- Christian Science Monitor editorial
Moscow Should Rethink Its Iran Policy -- Ilan Berman, Moscow Times
Saleh's visit to Riyadh opens a door to change -- The National Editorial
Hamid Karzai’s Poison Pill -- Robert Dreyfus, The Diplomat
Battle Against Islamist Terrorism is Not Over; It is Changing Shape -- Max Boot, Commentary
Obama's 'Reset' With Russia Turns Into New Cold War -- IBD Editorial
Thanking America: When Americans Save Lives Overseas, it Doesn't Make the Textbooks -- Jeff Lipkes, American Thinker
In Search of a United Europe -- Thomas Darnstaedt, Christoph Schult and Helene Zuber, Spiegel Online
Never mind the drama. The euro’s here to stay -- Dirk Matten, Globe and Mail
Markets' chilling message on euro -- Independent.ie editorial
Death of a currency as eurogeddon approaches -- Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph
Thanksgiving in America - 2011 -- Gary Aminoff, American Thinker