Russia's Crisis: This Winter, The Bears Will Not Hibernate -- Simon Shuster, Moscow
Regardless of the occasion, it is always humbling to see 60,000 people gathered in a single square, and it was no different on Saturday, Dec. 24, when at least that many gathered on Moscow's Sakharov Avenue to demand democracy, humility and respect from the Russian government. But the size of the crowd, which was larger than any demonstration the city has seen since the fall of the Soviet Union, was not as astounding as the composition of the crowd. Among the protesters, practically at random, you could expect to run into doctors, lawyers, engineers, big businessmen, small businessmen, academics, poets, filmmakers and students from every imaginable faculty of Russia's best universities — not quite "the masses" of Russian society. Looking out onto a sea of them on Saturday, one had to wonder, "Where they have been all this time?"
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The Next Russian Revolution? -- Robert Service, New York Times
The Realist Prism: Toward a Color Revolution in Russia? -- Nikolas Gvosdev, World Politics Review
George Kennan biography showcases the man who got Russia right -- Susan B. Glasser, Washington Post
Obama’s Muddled Thinking on Afghanistan -- Max Boot, Commentary
Iraq Back on the Brink: Maliki's Sectarian Crisis of His Own Making -- Kenneth M. Pollack, Daily Beast
A New Hezbollah in Iraq? -- Irena L. Sargsyan, National Interest
Syria: bloodshed in Damascus -- The Guardian editorial
Is Egypt Flying Apart at the Seams? -- Khairi Abaza, New York Times
Are Our Nuclear Secrets Safe In Obama's Hands? -- IBD Editorial
The Rise of China: Predicting the Unpredictable -- Jason Miks, The Diplomat
The End of the Chinese Dream -- Christina Larson, Foreign Policy
The United Nations must face up to the disaster it caused in Haiti -- Mark Weisbrot, The Guardian
Why the Scots want independence from the English -- Allan Massie, The Telegraph
Jobs, Thatcher and the Force of Life -- Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Christmas -- Time