Israel May Have Taken A Step Back From Bombing Iran – But For How Long? -- The Guardian
The chair of the US joint chiefs of staff who is in Israel to discuss Iran will warn of the dire consequences of a military strike.
When Israel's defence minister, Ehud Barak, said this week that his country was "very far off" from taking a decision about whether to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, may have allowed himself a moment of relief before boarding his flight to Tel Aviv on Thursday.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The US and Iran are on a path to confrontation -- Shashank Joshi, The Telegraph
Are U.S., Iran Headed Toward War? -- Michael D. Mosettig, PBS Newshour
The perfect storm: Three ways to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions – short of war -- Leonard S. Spector, Christian Science Monitor
Why Regime Change Won't Work in Iran -- Robert Wright, The Atlantic
Europeans fear Iran oil embargo will wreck economy -- Andrés Cala, Christian Science Monitor
Iraq’s Politics, Iraq’s Problem -- Christopher R. Hill, Project Syndicate
North Korea Reprises Its Role as International Beggar -- Doug Bandow, National Interest
The Last Kim of Pyongyang? -- Daniel M. Kliman, Foreign Policy
Japan's Coming Demographic Crisis -- Michael Auslin, Real Clear World
Ruling on Terror Suspect Is an Outrage -- Max Boot, Commentary
The Case for a United Jerusalem -- Nathan Diament, The Atlantic
Chávez appointment - a slap to Colombia? -- Girish Gupta, Christian Science Monitor
Envisioning Russia after Putin -- Walter Laqueur, The National Interest
Russia: Re-Elect Obama, or It's World War III -- Kim Zigfeld, American Thinker
Europe's Lessons on How to Create a Depression -- Martin Feldstein, The Moscow Times
Civilization in Reverse -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO