Iran Missile Test: Glimpse Of What's Ahead If Nuclear Talks Fail -- Christian Science Monitor
An Iran missile test Monday sent a clear warning to the US: Attack our nuclear facilities, and we'll target your military bases. It showed what US-Iran military gamesmanship might look like.
The United States and the European Union began imposing tough new sanctions on Iran’s oil industry this month, with one goal in mind: inflict such economic pain that Iran’s leaders get serious about an international deal to curtail the country’s advancing nuclear program.
But with low-level officials from six world powers meeting with their Iranian counterparts in Istanbul Tuesday to gauge prospects for an agreement, Iran appeared to blast its answer into the skies Monday with the first of three days of ballistic missile drills.
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My Comment: If Iran starts throwing missiles at all of these targets (as they are threatening to do) .... one would then have to assume that a declared state of war would then be existing between all of the parties .... and at a level that would make the Iraq and Afghan conflicts small in comparison.