Will More Money Solve Afghanistan's Problems? -- Al Jazeera
As $16bn of international aid is pledged to the country, we ask if it is just another dose of painkiller.
Donors at a conference on Afghanistan have pledged to give it $16bn in civilian aid over four years, in an attempt to safeguard its future after foreign forces leave in 2014.
The pledge came as Afghanistan agreed to new conditions to deal with endemic corruption.
The Afghan economy relies heavily on international development and military assistance, becoming particularly dependent on foreign donations since the US invasion in 2001.
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My Comment: More money will definitely not solve Afghanistan's problems. Afghanistan problems have always been due to sectarian/religious/tribal differences and animosities that goes back decades .... if not centuries. Throw in external powers getting involved .... you end up having a bigger mess. So no .... giving cash to a society in which most people do not even have a clock and are illiterate does not strike me as a responsible way to use scant and precious resources.