The Peace Process Isn't Dead -- Daniel Kurtzer, Foreign Policy
The brewing war in Gaza shows why the United States must make a renewed effort to bring Israelis and Palestinians together.
In Jerusalem last week with my Princeton University students, I hailed a taxi one day from my hotel to the Israeli Foreign Ministry. The driver asked whether I would need him for the rest of the day. "If you can take me to Ramallah," I replied, "that would be great. Otherwise, no thanks."
My driver's reaction was symptomatic of what I was hearing from many Israelis. "Ramallah!" he gasped. "Why would you go there? They're all rich and spoiled and hate us. They build big houses and then complain that we don't treat them well. You shouldn't go there."
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Analysis: Israel-Hamas: a clash waiting to happen -- Dan Perry, AP
Hamas Is More Powerful Than Ever -- Erin Cunningham, Business Insider/GlobalPost
Heading off full-blown war in the Gaza strip -- Washington Post editorial
Israel’s Arab Spring -- Gary C. Gambill, Special to National Post
Syria’s fate lies in the hands of Syrians -- Marwan Kabalan, Special to Gulf News
Can Syria’s new opposition coalition make a difference? -- The Economist
How The Syrian Conflict Is Going To End -- Michael Kelley, Business Insider
The Asia ‘Pivot’ and the Islamic challenge -- Tom Plate, Jakarta Post/Los Angeles
Is Europe living in a Parallel Universe. Ignoring reality, European elites express optimism about Greece’s fiscal future. -- Dalibor Rohac, NRO
Libya hearings: Will political vitriol squelch effort to improve security? -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
Susan Rice: Benghazi May Be Least of Her Problems -- Michael Hirsch, National Journal
Commentary: 'Petraeus-gate' distracts us from real threats -- McClatchy News editorial