Forced Budget Cuts A Disaster For Military -- Howard McKeon and James Inhofe, Special to CNN
(CNN) -- During the third and final presidential debate last October, President Obama made a promise to the American people. Sequestration, a package of forced budget cuts, "is not something I proposed," he said. "It will not happen."
What a difference 100 days make. The military, fatigued after a decade of war, has already endured three rounds of budget cuts during the president's first term alone. It now finds itself little more than a week away from another $500 billion in budget cuts under sequestration, an outcome that would have a profound and lasting impact on the readiness and capabilities of our military for years to come.
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My Comment: With the deadline for sequestration only 9 days away .... I am expecting a massive publicity/media campaign from the White House and Congress on this issue.