U.N. Official Sees Desperation, Hunger And Fear On Visit To Mali -- New York Times
A top United Nations relief official who just returned from a trip to northern Mali said Tuesday that desperation, hunger and fear had pervaded the region in the year since Islamist militant extremists seized control, and that only $17 million of the organization’s appeal for $373 million in emergency aid had been donated so far.
The official, John Ging, the operations director of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, said some conditions had begun to improve in northern Mali since a French-led military operation began last month in an effort to expunge the militants from cities like Gao and Timbuktu. But Mr. Ging said that during his four-day trip to the northern part of Mali, an area twice the size of Germany, he had heard harrowing tales of rapes, amputations and brutalities committed against children.
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Traumatized Malians desperately in need of aid, says UN -- Reuters
Mali's Security Improving, Aid Badly Needed, UN Says -- Huffington Post/AP
U.N.: Mali needs more than military help -- UPI
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More News On Mali's Humanitarian Crisis
Traumatized Malians desperately in need of aid, says UN -- Reuters
Mali's Security Improving, Aid Badly Needed, UN Says -- Huffington Post/AP
U.N.: Mali needs more than military help -- UPI
More News On Mali's Humanitarian Crisis
Traumatized Malians desperately in need of aid, says UN -- Reuters
Mali's Security Improving, Aid Badly Needed, UN Says -- Huffington Post/AP
U.N.: Mali needs more than military help -- UPI
Mali refugees too scared to return: UN -- Global Post/AFP
Plea for Mali humanitarian assistance -- Al Jazeera
International aid now critical to help Malians rebuild their lives, UN official says -- UN News Centre