U.S. Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, answers questions during a news conference following meetings at China’s ministry of national defense in Beijing, April 22, 2013. DOD photo by D. Myles Cullen
Top US General Foresees 'Prolonged Provocation' By North Korea -- Christian Science Monitor
Belligerence by North Korea, coinciding with Kim Jong-un's ascent as leader, is likely to continue for a 'prolonged' period, Gen. Martin Dempsey said Wednesday after a trip to China. He believes China's military to be as 'concerned' as the US about North Korea's actions.
North Korea is in ever-greater danger of provoking a fight under the leadership of Kim Jong-un, America's top military officer said Wednesday.
“I think we’re in a period of prolonged provocation” with North Korea, a condition that began when Kim Jong-un took over as leader of the military dictatorship from his father in late 2011.
“What that means is, I think, that the risk of miscalculation is higher, and I think the risk of escalation is higher,” Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during a visit to Beijing this week, where Pentagon officials have sought China’s help in convincing Mr. Kim to ratchet down his confrontational rhetoric.
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My Comment: General Dempsey is not the only one who feels this way .... North Korea's immediate neighbors share this point of view .... even preparing for a worse case scenario.