Is This a Video of the Director of National Intelligence Lying to Congress? -- New York Magazine
As we now know, the NSA has been collecting data on millions of domestic and international phone calls for some time now — since 2006, according to Dianne Feinstein. Maybe this bothers you; maybe it doesn't. Feinstein insists the program is an essential part of "protecting America"; Congressman Mike Rogers says it has already been "used to stop a terrorist attack in the United States."
But one person who doesn't like the idea of the NSA spying on Americans is Oregon senator Ron Wyden. And at a hearing in March, he asked James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, a straightforward question: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?"
Clapper's answer? "No, sir ... not wittingly."
Read more ....
Update #1: James Clapper Clarifies Remarks Over NSA Snooping -- National Journal
Update #2:
But one person who doesn't like the idea of the NSA spying on Americans is Oregon senator Ron Wyden. And at a hearing in March, he asked James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, a straightforward question: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?"
Clapper's answer? "No, sir ... not wittingly."
Read more ....
Update #1: James Clapper Clarifies Remarks Over NSA Snooping -- National Journal
Update #2:
Read more ....
Update #1: James Clapper Clarifies Remarks Over NSA Snooping -- National Journal
Update #2: NSA reportedly collecting phone records of millions, though officials had denied holding 'data' on Americans -- FOX News
Update #3: Did Intelligence Officials Lie to Congress about NSA Domestic Spying? -- Forbes
My Comment: Lies, obfuscate, and more lies. Until people go to jail this type of behavior will only continue if not expand. My prediction .... no one is going to jail, and this surveillance program will continue.
Update #1: James Clapper Clarifies Remarks Over NSA Snooping -- National Journal
Update #2: NSA reportedly collecting phone records of millions, though officials had denied holding 'data' on Americans -- FOX News
Update #3: Did Intelligence Officials Lie to Congress about NSA Domestic Spying? -- Forbes
My Comment: Lies, obfuscate, and more lies. Until people go to jail this type of behavior will only continue if not expand. My prediction .... no one is going to jail, and this surveillance program will continue.