"Now what you have here is a sawed-off, 12-gauge shotgun," he said, snapping the weapon's foldable stock into place. "A very good street sweeper. You can conceal this gun and take out a room full of people with one shot."Hyperbole, anyone?
And that could conceivably have been the case had the Brunswick Police Department not held its gun buy-back program in conjunction with the Anguilla Freedom Project at Howard Coffin Park in Brunswick Saturday.
But "authorized journalist" Cody Trawick isn't finished! He tells us about "killing machine[s]," and a "sinister appearance" and how "It doesn't take too much work to make a weapon like this fully automatic," not to mention filling even the stoutest of hearts with dread over "completely fresh, hollow-point rounds," or the horrible, narrowly-averted fact
But "authorized journalist" Cody Trawick isn't finished! He tells us about "killing machine[s]," and a "sinister appearance" and how "It doesn't take too much work to make a weapon like this fully automatic," not to mention filling even the stoutest of hearts with dread over "completely fresh, hollow-point rounds," or the horrible, narrowly-averted fact that "There's no telling where they would have ended up if they hadn't been willing to sell them to us."
And we can have confidence Cody (and his police informant) knows what he's (she's?) talking about, because of the reference to the "75-round clip," plus the creative way he spelled "Reuger."
And all this in the name of "Freedom," Only Ones-style. Great job there, Cody. Nothing like reporting straight news, although next time, you might want to bring your pom pons.
And we can have confidence Cody (and his police informant) knows what he's (she's?) talking about, because of the reference to the "75-round clip," plus the creative way he spelled "Reuger."
And all this in the name of "Freedom," Only Ones-style. Great job there, Cody. Nothing like reporting straight news, although next time, you might want to bring your pom pons.