WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2008 – Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell today defended the military effort to deter piracy in the Gulf of Aden and called on commercial ships to do more against this scourge of the sea.
The U.S. 5th Fleet forms the core of the American effort in the Maritime Security Patrol Area, but other nations are involved. “Any number of countries are out there now, patrolling and having a deterrent effect in a huge body of water,” Morrell said. The Gulf of Aden – where recent attacks have occurred – has about 1.1 million square miles of open water.
More than 20 nations – under command of a Danish flag officer – are coordinating their efforts in the region.
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My Comment: This fleet is useless. When a 300,000 ton super-tanker is hijacked 700 km from the nearest Somali port, and it's pleas for help are"ignored" .... this fleet is not doing its job.