Here are two videos from ABC News that give a nationwide perspective on what I'm talkin' about here.
Firearm Stockpiling:
First off, if I ran a gun shop and anybody came in wearing a damned Obama button, I'd tell him to get the hell out of my store.
And the "expert" professor is there to soothe the herd. Note he qualified Obama wasn't going to try anything against guns "in his first term," which really means as soon as the opportunity presents itself as a political risk where the benefits are perceived to outweigh the costs by an acceptable margin.
His Heller talking point is also just that,and one we see all the antis jumping on. One Supreme Court "justice" is all it will take to reverse that.
Gun Sales Soar with Obama Win:
It's OK. Nothing to worry about. Not only does Obama deny "these worries are on target," he's even been endorsed by Fudd's Fifth Column!
And just to prove ABC News brings us "Authorized Journalism" at its finest, 13 Eyewitness News "correspondent" Erik Barajas dutifully parrots characterizing the campaign's gun platform as "common sense."
[Via Dan S]
Firearm Stockpiling:
First off, if I ran a gun shop and anybody came in wearing a damned Obama button, I'd tell him to get the hell out of my store.
And the "expert" professor is there to soothe the herd. Note he qualified Obama wasn't going to try anything against guns "in his first term," which really means as soon as the opportunity presents itself as a political risk where the benefits are perceived to outweigh the costs by an acceptable margin.
His Heller talking point is also just that,and one we see all the antis jumping on. One Supreme Court "justice" is all it will take to reverse that.
Gun Sales Soar with Obama Win:
It's OK. Nothing to worry about. Not only does Obama deny "these worries are on target," he's even been endorsed by Fudd's Fifth Column!
And just to prove ABC News brings us "Authorized Journalism" at its finest, 13 Eyewitness News "correspondent" Erik Barajas dutifully parrots characterizing the campaign's gun platform as "common sense."
[Via Dan S]