From Time Magazine:
Republican politicians and human-rights activists rarely agree on how to treat terrorist suspects, but they are unwitting allies in opposition to the Obama Administration's latest proposal: the creation of a special facility in the continental U.S. where Gitmo inmates could be detained, tried and imprisoned.
President Obama's interagency task force on detention policy is considering such a plan, and the most likely locations are the military prison in Fort Leavenworth, Kans., and a soon-to-close maximum-security prison in Standish, Mich. The proposal calls for a facility that will include a detention center for terror suspects, courtrooms for criminal trials and military commissions, and a prison for those they sentence. The facility — to be run jointly by the departments of Justice, Homeland Security and Defense — would also house suspects being indefinitely detained, as well as those who have been found innocent but can't be repatriated because no other country will take them.
Read more ....
Update: Administration weighs trying Gitmo cases in DC, NY, Va. or a Midwest superjail -- Washington Examiner
My Comment: How can you "indefinitely detain" anyone on U.S. soil is beyond me. The whole point of having then in Guantanamo is to keep them out of the U.S. legal system. Apparently the Obama administration believes that they have the legal options under the control .... I can only hope so.