Israeli Attack On Iran Could Be Disaster For U.S. Economy -- Baltimore Sun
Israel will not be complicit in a second Holocaust. If Iran or any other nation that has called for the destruction of Israel is about to acquire nuclear weapons, the Israelis will attempt to destroy that nation's uranium-enrichment facilities. In June 1981, Israel launched a successful air attack on an Iraqi nuclear reactor, and in 2007 it bombed a Syrian factory suspected of producing plutonium warheads.
But Americans should be aware that when Iran becomes the next target, it will be a blow to the U.S. economic recovery.
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My Comment: My scenario paints a more bleak and darker picture on what may happen in the event of an Israeli strike on Iran. The biggest impact will be on the financial markets, with Government debt at an all time high being the catalyst that will make any disruption in the oil supply a minor problem compared to the financial crisis that will develop.
Update: Iran says may hit Western warships if attacked -- Reuters