Navy Versus The Bigger Fleet -- New Wars
Has there ever been a fleet in all history where it was the Admirals themselves who were the greatest obstacle to increasing ship numbers? Welcome to the modern age where Western fleets build only the biggest, baddest, and subsequently often “too big to fail” ship programs, then use them for fighting pirates, smugglers, or disaster relief. In wartime giant ships aren’t overly useful either, since they can’t leave port without escort from smaller warships, recalling the tin cans, destroyer escorts, frigates, and corvettes of the World Wars, and the famed PC’s of Vietnam.
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My Comment: In one simple post Mike Burleson nails what is wrong with today's Navy.
The best line in this post is the following and it describes perfectly the mindset of those who run today's Navy .....
.... It is the Navy they want, not the Navy they need.