From Global Security Newswire:
The fiscal 2011 budget proposed by U.S. President Barack Obama calls for billions of dollars in heightened counterterror funding, allocating additional money for U.S. special operations units, unmanned aircraft and a new cyber command, the Associated Press reported yesterday (see GSN, Feb. 3).
The increase in military funding is part of an Obama administration effort to concentrate on regions that harbor terrorist organizations and militants, where plans might be hatched for a new strike against the United States.
Read more ....
Update: Pentagon seeks billions to battle terror abroad -- Yahoo News/AP
My Comment: Everyone recognizes the threat, but to confront it by pushing a policy to spend billions and to create a massive bureaucracy to contain the threat .... nope .... that is not going to solve the problem. But our alternatives are few, and what may contain terror threats (i.e. direct foreign intervention), is a policy that the White House has no stomach to pursue.