Holder Expected To Explain Rationale For Targeting U.S. Citizens Abroad -- Washington Post
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Monday plans to provide the most detailed account to date of the Obama administration’s legal rationale for killing U.S. citizens abroad, as it did in last year’s airstrike against an alleged al-Qaeda operative in Yemen, officials said.
The rationale Holder plans to offer resembles, in its broad strokes, those previously offered by lower-ranking officials. But his speech Monday will mark a new and higher-profile phase of the administration’s campaign to justify lethal action in those rare instances in which U.S. citizens, such as New Mexico-born Anwar al-Awlaki, join terrorist causes devoted to harming their homeland.
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Update: U.S. to Offer Legal Backing for 'Targeted Killing': Source -- New York Times/Reuters
My Comment: All that I know is that if this was the Bush administration proposing this, the media, academia, Democrats, the left, etc., will be foaming at the mouth over this issue. Instead .... they are focused on this stupid/silly story.