Somali Pirates Captured After ‘Ill-Advised’ Attack On Dutch Warship Tromp -- Times Online
Dutch Marines fought off an ill-advised attempt by pirates to hijack the warship Tromp off the coast of Somalia yesterday.
Troops fired warning shots when the pirates raced towards them in two small skiffs — prompting a swift about-turn and an unsuccessful attempt to flee when the pirates realised their mistake. The skiffs were later sunk and the pirates’ weapons confiscated. “It shows a lack of sophistication — but it is a warning that they will attack any vessel,” Commander John Harbour, an EU Naval Force spokesman, said.
The EU Naval Force has disrupted 11 pirate attack groups off the coast of East Africa over the past two weeks as part of a more offensive mindset to stop pirate attacks, he said.
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More News On Somali Piracy
Pirates Throw “Net” Wider -- FOX News
The Pirates' Toll: Insurance and Razor Wire -- The Street
World's Navies Respond to Somali Piracy -- The Street
Gulf of Aden pirates are having less success -- L.A. Times
Somali Pirates Free Tanker With Crew of 28 -- Voice of America
EU: Pirates release ship after ransom paid -- CNN
Somali pirates free North Korean chemical tanker -- AP
Kenya court hands eight Somalis 20 years in jail for piracy -- AFP
Kenya imprisons seven Somalis for piracy -- Washington Post
Piracy trials in Kenya beset by legal obstacles -- The Telegraph