What Was It All For? The Murder Of Palestinians And Israelis Is Just A Prelude To The Next Gaza War -- Robert Fisk, The Independent
Netanyahu’s campaign for the January elections began the moment he ordered the assassination of Ahmed al-Jabari. He's improved Hamas's election chances too
So what was it all for? The 11-month old Palestinian baby killed with its entire family by an Israeli pilot, the 150-odd Palestinian dead – two thirds of them civilians – the six Israeli dead, 1,500 air raids on Gaza, 1,500 rockets on Israel. What fearful symmetry! But was all this done – and let us forget the billions of dollars of weapons spent by Israel – for a ceasefire? Not a peace treaty, not even a treaty, just a truce. Before the next Gaza war.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Who won? -- Jerusalem Post editorial
Israel and Palestine's leaders – and cheerleaders – have failed them -- Jonathan Freedland, The Guardian
How the Gaza Truce Makes Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood a Peace Player -- Tony Karon, Times
Has the West Given Up on Isolating Hamas? -- Seth Mandel, Commentary
Saudi dynasty faces generational choice -- Angus McDowall, Reuters
Why There Was No U.S.-Iran Drone Crisis -- Robert Dreyfuss, The Diplomat
Mohamed Morsi's power grab is an odd way to build a democracy -- Nathan J Brown, The Guardian
Golden Triangle: After Obama’s Visit to Rangoon, What’s Next for Burma-China-U.S. Relations? -- Hannah Beech/Rangoon, Time
Obama's Southeast Asia Trip All Style, No Substance -- IBD Editorial
China's challenge with corruption -- Peter Ford, Christian Science Monitor
Britain is standing on a ledge, while Europe screams, 'Don't do it!' -- Timothy Garton Ash, The Guardian