Photo: US Senator Tom Coburn
Senator Slams Pentagon For Spending On Beef Jerky, Twitter Slang -- And More -- Aol Defense
WASHINGTON: Why in the world is the Pentagon trying to develop a better beef jerky, run grocery stores, microbreweries, study flying dinosaurs and build (not tilt at) windmills?
That is the question a conservative Republican senator from Oklahoma, Tom Coburn, asks in a new report -- "Department of Everything" -- issued today. The subtitle of Coburn's highly readable effort is: "Department of Defense Spending That Has Little to Do With National Security." And that's his real point. In an era of coming austerity, the Southern Baptist preacher and medical doctor argues that the Pentagon should be focused on executing its core mission, namely defending the nation.
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Department of Defense could save more than $67 billion, Coburn says -- Examiner
Tom Coburn outlines $68 billion in defense cuts -- Politico/AP
Coburn on DOD Budget: Cut Beef Jerky, Microbrews, Star Trek Programs -- National Journal
Watchdog: Coburn report IDs $68 billion in DOD spend
That is the question a conservative Republican senator from Oklahoma, Tom Coburn, asks in a new report -- "Department of Everything" -- issued today. The subtitle of Coburn's highly readable effort is: "Department of Defense Spending That Has Little to Do With National Security." And that's his real point. In an era of coming austerity, the Southern Baptist preacher and medical doctor argues that the Pentagon should be focused on executing its core mission, namely defending the nation.
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More News On U.S. Senator's Proposals For Defense Cuts
Department of Defense could save more than $67 billion, Coburn says -- Examiner
Tom Coburn outlines $68 billion in defense cuts -- Politico/AP
Coburn on DOD Budget: Cut Beef Jerky, Microbrews, Star Trek Programs -- National Journal
Watchdog: Coburn report IDs $68 billion in DOD spend
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More News On U.S. Senator's Proposals For Defense Cuts
Department of Defense could save more than $67 billion, Coburn says -- Examiner
Tom Coburn outlines $68 billion in defense cuts -- Politico/AP
Coburn on DOD Budget: Cut Beef Jerky, Microbrews, Star Trek Programs -- National Journal
Watchdog: Coburn report IDs $68 billion in DOD spending cuts -- Washington Examiner
Alleging Republican 'blind eye' on defense spending, GOP senator proposes cuts -- NBC
Coburn: Cut Wasteful Spending at the "Department of Everything" -- POGO