President Barack Obama held off a late-autumn charge by GOP challenger Mitt Romney to secure a second term, etching in stone his plans for a smaller military and policies such as lethal drone strikes against al-Qaida targets.
Though polls showed the incumbent’s lead in several key swing states and in Electoral College projections shrinking in the race’s final month, Obama wrapped up the 270 votes needed to win the Electoral College around 11:20 p.m. on Election Day.
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Previous Post: Here Comes The U.S. Defense Budget Battles (Maybe?)
Obama Gets 4 More Years as Commander-in-Chief --
Obama’s Pentagon Roster Uncertain -- Foreign Policy
It’s back to work at the Pentagon -- Foreign Policy
What Obama's re-election means for the military, veterans -- Stars and Stripes
Though polls showed the incumbent’s lead in several key swing states and in Electoral College projections shrinking in the race’s final month, Obama wrapped up the 270 votes needed to win the Electoral College around 11:20 p.m. on Election Day.
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Previous Post: Here Comes The U.S. Defense Budget Battles (Maybe?)
More News On What The Impact Of The U.S. Election Will Mean To The U.S. Military
Obama Gets 4 More Years as Commander-in-Chief --
Obama’s Pentagon Roster Uncertain -- Foreign Policy
It’s back to work at the Pentagon -- Foreign Policy
What Obama's re-election means for the military, veterans -- Stars and Stripes
More News On What The Impact Of The U.S. Election Will Mean To The U.S. Military
Obama Gets 4 More Years as Commander-in-Chief --
Obama’s Pentagon Roster Uncertain -- Foreign Policy
It’s back to work at the Pentagon -- Foreign Policy
What Obama's re-election means for the military, veterans -- Stars and Stripes
Pentagon prepares for changes, regardless of presidential election winner -- CNN
My Comment: In the next few days there will be considerable discussion and commentary on what direction will the Obama administration now put in place for the U.S. Defense Department. I expect the budget battles to be on the forefront of this discussion .... specifically .... what to cut. My prediction .... for all of us the next few years are going to interesting times .... but for those who serve and/or support the U.S. military .... difficult times.