Egypt To President Morsi: No Dictators Allowed -- Daily Beast
Protesting a presidential power play.
Amr Darrag is on a call when a second phone in his Cairo office begins to ring. He’s been awake since 6 a.m., and the stack of papers on his desk swells with every passing minute. A leader in Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, Darrag is also part of the 100-member committee scrambling to draft the country’s new constitution—a pending document that has hit every possible bump in the road since Egyptians toppled President Hosni Mubarak last year.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Morsi's Mistake: The Error Behind the Uproar in Egypt -- Steven A. Cook, Foreign Affairs
Egypt’s Democratic Dictator? -- Omar Ashour, Project Syndicate
Back the Syrian Rebels. But Don’t Intervene -- P.J. Crowley, Daily Beast
Syrian threat widens -- Boston Herald editorial
Is Assad preparing to use chemical weapons against the rebels? -- Rick Moran, American Thinker
Obama threatens Assad but misses the point -- Powerline
On Drawing the Line at Chemical Weapons -- Max Boot, Commentary
Did Netanyahu or Obama doom the two-state solution? -- Henry Siegman, Foreign Policy
Benjamin Netanyahu is destroying hope for a two-state solution in the Middle East -- Jonathan Kay, The National Post
The peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians to nowhere good -- Wesley Pruden, The Washington Times
Analysis: For Hamas, a validation -- Kristen Chick and Ahmed Aldabba, Christian Science Monitor
Analysis: Positions remain entrenched after Gaza conflict -- Christa Case Bryant, Christian Science Monitor
Inside the mind of Iran's Khamenei -- Scott Peterson, Christian Science Monitor
Benghazi Storytelling: Too many answers, not enough truthfulness. -- Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard
Anna Wintour is a ludicrous pick for US Ambassador to London: The Special Relationship is not a fashion statement -- Nile Gardiner, The Telegraph
What Happens When America No Longer Needs Middle East Oil? -- Loren Thompson, Forbes