Analysis: Syria's Savagery Will Thwart Reconciliation -- Oliver Holmes, Reuters
Reuters) - Syrian soldiers slowly stab a man to death, puncturing his back dozens of times. A rebel commander bites an organ ripped out of an enemy combatant. A young boy hacks the head off a prisoner. A soldier mutilates the genitals of a corpse.
These are the images of Syrian conflict, the first war in which the prevalence of camera phones and Internet access has allowed hundreds of gruesome war crimes to be broadcast, spreading hatred and fear. They are defining the war that is spilling across Syria's borders and making reconciliation an ever more distant prospect.
Brutality has been used as a tool since the revolt began two years ago, when videos emerged of government soldiers torturing pro-democracy protesters. In response to the crackdown, the opposition took up arms and now fighters from both sides are filming themselves committing atrocities.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Syria: the first conflict of the post-superpower era -- John Kampfner, The Guardian
The Real Libya Scandal -- Max Boot, Commentary
Obama’s Biggest Mistakes in Syria -- Jeffrey Goldberg, Bloomberg
Turkey and the Kurds: Will Erdogan's peace process with the PKK save Turkey or destroy It? -- John Hannah, Shadow Government/Foreign Policy
Early line on Iran’s prez contest -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
What Is Iran Up to in Africa? -- Michael Rubin, Commentary
The Islamist purge splurge: Islamists are increasingly turning to purges to gain or consolidate power -- Hussein Ibish, NOW
What Really Happened In Benghazi? -- Doug Schoen, Forbes
Japan's Dangerous World War II Attitude -- Noah Kristula-Green, US News and World Report
Is India-China deal on border issue in the works? -- Sandeep Dikshit, The Hindu
While diplomacy is important it is vital that India does not bow to the dragon -- Kanwal Sibal, Daily Mail
U.S. Should Block China's Application to the Arctic Council -- Ellen Bork, Real Clear World/Foreign Policy Initiative
In Putin’s World, Everyone’s a Spy -- Seth Mandel, Commentary
The UK Is Up To Its Neck In Debt, And We Don't Care -- Jeremy Warner, Telegraph
How Is Latin America? Could Be Better -- Carlos Alberto Montaner, Real Clear World
Will government probe of AP phone records cost Eric Holder his job? -- David Cook, Christian Science Monitor
Are IRS, Benghazi flaps affecting Obama's standing with US public? -- Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor