Birthers, Truthers and Interrogation Deniers -- Michael Hayden, Wall Street Journal
The latest lunacy to get a popular hearing is the idea that harsh CIA interrogations yielded no useful intelligence. I guess we should toss out the 9/11 Commission Report.
For all of its well-deserved reputation for pragmatism, American popular culture frequently nurtures or at least tolerates preposterous views and theories. Witness the 9/11 "truthers" who, lacking any evidence whatsoever, claim that 9/11 was a Bush administration plot. And then we have the "birthers" who, even in the face of clear contrary evidence, take as an article of faith that President Obama was not born in the United States and hence is not eligible to hold his current office.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Our troops must leave Afghanistan -- Greg Sheridan, The Australian
Nukes: Iran Today, Mecca Tomorrow -- IBD Editorial
China undercuts sanctions on Iran -- Barbara Slavin, Politico
Why young martyrs stir the Arab Spring -- Christian Science Monitor editorial
The slaughter in Syria -- Washington Post editorial
Israelis Increasingly Resigned to Life without Peace -- Juliane von Mittelstaedt, Spiegel Online
When the Nile Runs Dry -- Lester R. Brown, New York Times
Of Blood, Oil and Kurdistan -- Joost R. Hiltermann, National Interest
Khartoum risks a regional war with land grabs -- The National editorial
How the al-Qaeda Threat Lingers -- Luke Hunt, The Diplomat
Are Global Metal Wars Looming? -- Daniel McGroarty, Real Clear World
How attack on Google's Gmail skirted US security roadblocks -- Mark Clayton, Christian Science Monitor
Is Google an agent of the US Government? It certainly gives that impression -- Peter Foster, The Telegraph