Syria And Chemical Weapons: What Can The U.S. Do Now? (A Collection of Commentaries) -- Allen McDuffee, Washington Post
Danielle Pletka: Earlier this year, Barack Obama announced that a red line for the United States would be Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s movement, transfer or use of Syria’s ample chemical weapons stockpile. At the time, it appeared the president was looking for an opportunity to sound tough in response to a conflict that he had heretofore chosen to observe from afar. Any prospect for the actual use of those weapons by Assad seemed farfetched.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Syrian Opposition Boosted by U.S. Recognition, But Faces Growing Challenges -- Vivienne Walt, Time
How to avoid revenge killings in post-Assad Syria -- Christian Science monitor editorial
Egypt's constitutional crisis -- L.A. Times editorial
Who Really Holds the Reins in Egypt? -- Matthias Gebauer, Daniel Steinvorth and Volkhard Windfuhr, Spiegel Online
The Muslim Brotherhood and the New Egyptian Divide -- Karl Vick, Time
Abbas and Netanyahu in Wonderland -- Charles Freilich, Real Clear World/Jerusalem Post
Iran’s panic = Obama’s opportunity -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Islamists are worse than dictators -- Daniel Pipes, Washington Times
One small step for Kim Jong Un -- Joe Cirincione, Special to CNN
North Korea hits its mark -- Patrick Cronin, Special to CNN
USA’s retreat from Afghanistan -- Javid Husain, The Nation
Boldness required to end Sudan misery -- EJ Hogendoorn & Ben Dalton, Special to CNN
A new African politics? -- Business Day editorial
Why Asia’s Insurgencies Are Europe’s Shame -- Pankaj Mishra, Bloomberg
Mr. Berlusconi’s Shameless Return -- New York Times editorial
Venezuela's Woes Will Outlive Chavez -- Francisco Toro, New Republic